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1962 1962 *Rare* 1962 -- Château Margaux , Margaux, Bordeaux- *** 62-Year Ann. Half bottle: 375 ml

Item ID: 743347 Watch Listing Ask Seller a Question

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At A Glance

Vintage: 1962
Bottle Size: Half bottle: 375 ml
Current Time: September 20, 2024 9:45:32 AM EDT
Listed: Saturday August 3, 2024 2:02 AM EDT
Ending: Friday August 30, 2024 11:59 PM EDT
Item Has Ended


Bid Information

Quantity: 1 Available
Buy Price: 1,000.00
Starting Bid: $499.00
Reserve Status: This item has no Reserve.
Bid Increment: $5.00
Bids: - (History)
Current Bid: -- by --
Next Bid: Bidding has closed.


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Seller name: greensleeves_1568
(click for seller Home Page)

Located in Islip, NY

Member Since February 18, 2019

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Listing Details

This vintage is an example of something rare in those times: a successful late-ripening year. Unfortunately, coming so soon after the extraordinary 1961, this very fine wine was a little overshadowed. Château Margaux 1962 is, after 1961 and perhaps before 1966, one of the best vintages of the 1960s, though it is true that the decade included many lesser vintages. It is a fleshy wine, well balanced, rich and mature; very pleasant to drink today. The magnums have kept a distinct freshness compared with the bottles.

(September 2002)



1962 was a late-ripening year which nevertheless benefited from excellent ripening conditions for the grapes. (The picking began 3rd October)



1962 1962 *Rare* 1962 -- Château Margaux , Margaux, Bordeaux- *** 62-Year Ann. Half bottle: 375 ml

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We Ship FedEx Ground from The MidWest. It Usually Averages around $ 18 to $ 23 per Standard Bottle.


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